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Keto Diet Advantages and Disadvantages

Keto Diet Advantages and Disadvantages, A Simple Comparison

Although keto diet is effective way to reduce weight, but we should always compare keto diet advantages and disadvantages in regard for our health, it’s not suitable system for every body.

Here I will present to you a simple comparison between advantages and disadvantages of keto diet that will help you decide if keto diet is right choice for you.

What is Keto Diet ?

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high-fat diet that is closely related to the Atkins and low-carb diets in many ways.
It means eating less carbohydrates and more fat. This procedure caused the body to enter a metabolic state called ketosis, where the body becomes highly efficient at converting fat into ketone bodies in the liver and uses fat as a source of energy instead of carbs.

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What are Keto Diet Advantages ?

Three major benefit for keto diet:
1. You lose significant amount of weight.
2. Blood sugar and insulin levels can be significantly reduced by ketogenic diets.
3. A ketogenic diet may help you lose extra body fat.

What are Keto Diet Disadvantages ?

There are a few drawbacks to this diet that anyone considering it should be aware of:

1. It is a diet, and like all diets, it is a temporary fix. In real life conditions, it is not really a sustainable diet. More importantly, your goal should be to maintain your weight loss rather than simply lose it.

2. Because of the high amount of saturated fat consumed, the keto diet poses significant risks for heart disease. 

3. There is danger of nutritional deficiency and constipation due to lack of fibrous food like fruits, vegetables and whole grains in keto diet.

4. Because the keto diet strains the liver, people who already have liver disease could likely get worse.

5. Because the keto diet strains the kidneys, renal issues may develop.

If you’re thinking about start the keto diet, find a qualified practitioner or a registered dietitian who has experience prescribing it and monitoring you to prevent any negative effects.


Although keto diet is successful way to loss weight, it puts vital organs like the heart, liver and kidneys under a lot of strain.

In my medical opinion, I always advise my patients to follow healthy weight loss programs, which have a better impact on their health over the long term

you can review my 6 Simple Strategies For A Remarkable Healthy Weight Loss which represent simple guidelines for a healthy weight loss

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