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Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

Best and Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, is true, breakfast can make or break your success while trying to lose weight, so you should get well balanced elements in your breakfast. Here I present to you three healthy breakfast ideas for weight loss that are simple to prepare, delicious, and will assist you in your health objective.


Fruit and nuts Parfait is a quick and easy meal to prepare and has double the amount of protein and less than half the sugar content found in fast food yogurt.


  • ¼ cup fresh blueberries
  • ¼ cup fresh strawberries
  • ½ cup low fat Organic Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp slivered almonds
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp. Stevia

How to Prepare Fruit and Yogurt Parfait:

Mix Greek yogurt, vanilla, berries, and almonds well, then add vanilla and stevia.

You can serve it cold.

Nutritional Facts:

Each serving of this meal has only 200 calories.

The fat-fighting protein from the Greek yogurt will give you a sense of fullness for hours, while the almonds give you crunch and healthy fats.

The berries contribute vitamins and antioxidants that protect against disease and aging, and last but not least, to give the meal a sweetness, we add vanilla and stevia, which balance out the sour cream taste of the yogurt.


OPEN-FACED EGG, AVOCADO AND TOMATO SANDWICH, Easy Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss


  • 2 organic eggs
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread
  • 1 Roma tomato, diced
  • 2 tbsps of avocado
  • Fresh basil, salt, and pepper to taste

How to Prepare Open Faced Egg, Avocado and Tomato Sandwich

While you’re frying or scrambling the two whole organic eggs to your liking, toast the bread and season your eggs with salt and pepper to taste, until they’re cooked to your liking. 

It is preferable to use whole grain bread to get benefits from the fibers and vitamins that reside within. If you use white bread, you will not maximize your metabolism potential.

While the toast and eggs are cooking, slice the tomato and spread avocado on the toast. Add the tomato and eggs. Top with basil, and you’re done.

I like to eat each egg on one piece of toast pizza-style, but you can turn it into a sandwich if you want.

This is a simple and filling recipe that will help you lose weight. 

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Nutritional Facts:

Each serving of this meal has only 300 calories.

The complex carbs from the whole grain bread will slow glucose absorption from gut and regulate your blood sugar.

The eggs make you feel full and energized for several hours, sprinkle some hot sauce in the egg whites prior to microwaving for an added kick.

The avocado contributes healthy fats and a velvety texture, while the tomato and basil add fresh flavor.



  • ½ cup whole grain oatmeal
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 small banana
  • ¼ cup 0% fat Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp crushed walnuts
  • 2 tbsp Splenda or Stevia
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

How to Prepare Banana Nut Oatmeal

In a bowl, mix the water and the whole grain oatmeal, then heat in the microwave for two minutes, you can also use safe mug instead of bowel to make your breakfast portable.

As it cooks, keep an eye on it since it occasionally tends to bubble over the sides of the bowl, making a sticky mess.

Slice the banana and add it to the yogurt with the cinnamon, Stevia, and almonds. Mix well. Finish by adding the bananas on top.

Nutritional Facts:

Each serving of this meal has only 340 calories.

The yogurt adds protein and creaminess, while the oatmeal provides fat fighting complex carbs.

The crunch from the walnuts adds texture and healthy fats and the banana has vitamins and minerals.


These healthy breakfast ideas for weight Loss aren’t going to do much if you’re not following a healthy weight loss program based on commitment, healthy foods meals, increasing physical activities, and most importantly, using supplements that boost body metabolism.

If you truly want to lose weight and improve your health and confidence, you can follow my program for healthy weight loss for free

Best Metabolism Booster Supplements

Metabolic Complex is one of the best metabolism booster supplements, its seven elements play crucial role in different aspect of weight loss process

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